Shipping policy

1. Once your order payment is confirmed, delivery will be made within 1-2 days. To ensure the highest quality, all items go through strict quality control tests before shipping. We offer three global air shipping methods: UPS, EMS, and DHL (Mainland China).

2. **Estimated Total Delivery Time:**

- UPS: 2-3 days

- DHL: 2-3 days

- EMS: 3-4 days

You can expect to receive your order within this timeframe.

3. Our shipping port is in mainland China, offering the most efficient and convenient service.

4. For certain sensitive items, if you have any special requests, please clearly specify them in the PayPal payment details.

5. Our packaging is carefully prepared to meet the needs of our customers. No mention of any sensitive items is made.

6. You can log in to your account on our shop to track your order status.